Thursday, April 26, 2012

God persues us!!

Hey single ladies, but also those of you who are in relationships and of course hello married women of God!
I am trying to get a deeper and deeper relationship with God. It has been an amazing journey.
But like a lot of you there are times when I feel really lonely. I am single and learning to see it as a wonderful gift that God has given me for this season of my life. But still there is sometimes a feeling of loneliness. Because I put myself through some disappointing situations with guys, I have decided that I won’t look at myself as single for the next 5 months. It has been almost 2 weeks since my decision. I feel like I’ve learned already so much.
What is my worth, what kind of woman do I want to be for my future husband, what expectations do I have for my future husband and and and!! It is really challenging to think about all those things. But it is also extremely interesting to think about it.
One thing that I was thinking about was that God wants to persue us. It doesn’t matter if we are single, in a relationship or married. Maybe you are married but there is still a feeling of loneliness and you thought it will go away when you are married. Through that you might’ve put a lot of pressure on your man to fill that feeling. But guess what, God is standing on the door to your heart. Just waiting for you to see all the signs he is giving you. Signs of love, signs of him persuing you. Or you are in a relationship and you just had a big fight with your boyfriend or finance. It feels so good to just go out and get some attention from somebody else, but again God is just waiting in front of the door of your heart. He wants to persue you and give you everything all those guys and wonderful men of God can’t give us. And they will never be able to give that to us!!
Think about that, who has a boyfriend or a fiancé or a husband who just prints a rainbow on the sky, or who just draws a wonderful romantic sunset, or plants you a field of flowers. Isn’t that crazy to think there is somebody who is doing that for us.
I had my eyes wide open in the last few days for all those things. And I started realizing that God knows my heart. He knows I love romance. That is exactly the way he will persue me.
Why don’t we just lay down all those expectations on those men and let us be persued by the God of the universe. If we can do that I think we will have a expression on our face that will make man of God want to persue us more. Because they’ll see us being content. They will see the love we have for God but also for everything he has given us. Our character, our body, our face, our skin color, our eyes. They will see something in us and they will be willing to persue that because they will see a piece of God in us. And I think that’s what it means when we read something like “A woman’s heart has to be so hidden in God that a man has to seek him to find her”!
Let God love on us no matter if we are single, in a relationship, engaged or married or divorced. Let him show us what it means to be persued and I think then we won’t settle anymore for guys who might not be serious. Or guys who might try search the same thing we’ve searched for, for so long. Let us be Proverbs 31 Women!

She is clothed in strength and dignity. She laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks her words are wise and she gives instructions with kindness. She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her: “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last. But a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise. Proverbs 31, 25-31

Thank you all for reading this and letting me share some of my thoughts!