Monday, January 9, 2012

My future is something I think about a lot. I’m always worried. What should I do? What will happen? Where will I be? Will I have enough?
But why do I worry? I really don’t know. When I look back I can’t remember one situation God didn’t provide or God didn’t lead me through hard times. He was always there, right by my side. And He will always be. It says it so clearly in Matthew 6 that I don’t have worry. That God will take care of me. That He will provide for everything I need. Our lives will not get any longer when we worry. And we cannot change things with worries. So we gotta enjoy every minute God gives us.
What if we exchange every worry into a dream. Wouldn’t it be way more fun to dream with God, instead of not trusting that he has awesome plans with our lives. Lets honor Him and trust that everything is in His control. Dream big and trust that God will make something beautiful out of it.